Chemical Industries - 2

Chemistry Class 10
1. All detergents contain polar group-SO3Na.

2. PVC is prepared by the polymerization of ethane (CH2=CH2).

3. Turpentine oil is used in shoe polish to prevent it from drying.

4. NaOH+NH4Cl heat------------------->NaCl+NH3+H2O.

5. Vinyl chloride is used in the manufacture of bakelite.

6. Chemical formula of Caustic soda is


Chemistry Class 10
7. By heating lime stone (CaCO3 ) following gas is obtained


Chemistry Class 10
8. The original product obtained in the solvey's process is


Chemistry Class 10
9. The common washing soda is


Chemistry Class 10
10. Na2CO3+H2O+ __________ --------------->2NaHCO3

Chemistry Class 10
11. Compound used in fire extingusihers


Chemistry Class 10
12. Which salt is added to the soap and glycerine mixture


Chemistry Class 10
13. The compound used as a thinner in the preparation of paint is


Chemistry Class 10
14. The salt which increases the weight of soap is


Chemistry Class 10
15. Spirit varnish is such a type of varnish in which ________ liquid is used as a solvent for resin.


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