Physics 10 Chapter 14 - Current and Electricity - 9

Physics Class 10
1.    When current flows through the conductor, it experiences a the conductor?

Physics Class 10
2.    In a dry cell, into which energy chemical energy changes?

Physics Class 10
3.    Current experiences a resistance in the conductor due to..................?

Physics Class 10
4.    The energy supplied by the battery is utilized in overcoming....................?

Physics Class 10
5.    In a dry cell, which energy changes into electric energy?

Physics Class 10
6.    Which of the following causes the dissipation of electrical energy into other forms of energy as charges flow through the circuit?

Physics Class 10
7.    What is the SI unit of potential difference?

Physics Class 10
8.    One ampere is the current through two parallel thin wires of length 1m, placed 1m apart from each other in vacuum. Then which force is exerted by on each other?

Physics Class 10
9.    After which scientist, the unit volt was named?

Physics Class 10
10.    What is the date of birth of Alessandro Volta?

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