Chapter 6 Equilibrium - Test 1

1. The rotational effect of a force is measured by a quantity known as torque.

1) True
2) False
2. Torque is a scalar quantity.

1) True
2) False
3. The torque is taken as negative when the rotation produced is clockwise

1) False
2) True
4. The parallel forces, which are acting in the same direction, are called unlike parallel forces.

1) True
2) False
5. The rotation produced in a body does not depend on the magnitude of the force

1) True
2) False
6. The center of gravity can exist only inside a body.

1) False
2) True
7. The center of gravity of a cylinder is the central point of axis.

1) False
2) True
8. The mathematical form of 1st condition of equilibrium T= 0

1) True
2) False
9. When 2nd condition of equilibrium is satisfied then no linear acceleration is produced in the body

1) False
2) True
10. The unstable equilibrium is that condition of a body in which if the position of the body is disturbed it does not come back to its original position.

1) True
2) False
11. The body is in equilibrium if the resultant of all the forces acting on it is zero.

1) False
2) True
12. In case of wooden block 2nd condition of equilibrium is not satisfied.

1) False
2) True
13. The center of gravity of round plate is at the center of the plate.

1) True
2) False
14. A body will be in equilibrium if it is revolving under the action of a single torque.

1) True
2) False
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