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Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 5

Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 5

Everyday Science MCQs
1.    Around new and full moon when the sun, moon and earth form a line, the tidal forces are at its?

Everyday Science MCQs
2.    Living beings which do not have spinal columns or backbone are said to be?

Everyday Science MCQs
3.    Tube lights used lighting purposes in homes are called?

Everyday Science MCQs
4.    Select the correct association?

Everyday Science MCQs
5.    Radioactive isotope of uranium used in nuclear bomb is?

Everyday Science MCQs
6.    Human population growth is greatest in developing countries because?

Everyday Science MCQs
7.    Which woody raw material is used for the manufacture of paper pulp?

Everyday Science MCQs
8.    Rectified spirit contains alcohol about?

Everyday Science MCQs
9.    The famous book; al - qanoun was written by the muslim scientist?

Everyday Science MCQs
10.    A light year is a unit of?

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