Parents and Care Takers of Holy Prophet PBUH - 1

1.    Who was grandfather of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

2.    What was his (PBUH) grandfather’s social position?

3.    The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a member of the .................. tribe?

4.    Who was the maternal grandfather of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

5.    Who was the father of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)?

6.    Who was the mother of the Prophet (PBUH)?

7.    When and where did Holy Prophet's (PBUH) father die?

8.    Mother of The Holy Prophet (PBUH), …………died when his age was ........... years?

9.    Where Holy Prophet's (PBUH) mother died?

10.    How many months prior to the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), his father, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn-e-Abdul Matlib died?

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