Physics 10 Chapter 15 - Electromagnetism - 5

Physics Class 10
1.    What is the angle between the force acting on the conductor and the direction of current?

Physics Class 10
2.    If instead of a straight conductor, we place a current-carrying loop inside the magnetic field, the loop will rotate due to the .............acting on the coil?

Physics Class 10
3.    What do the two forces which are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction form?

Physics Class 10
4.    If the current in a wire which is placed perpendicular to a magnetic field increases, the force on the wire.................?

Physics Class 10
5.    What is the ring called that is split into two halves?

Physics Class 10
6.    With which the brushes of D.C motor are made of?

Physics Class 10
7.    Which part of a D.C. motor reverses the direction of current through the coil every half-cycle?

Physics Class 10
8.    Which part of dc motor reverses the direction of current in the loop?

Physics Class 10
9.    What is the machine called that converts electric energy into rotational kinetic energy?

Physics Class 10
10.    The simple coil placed in a magnet cannot rotate more than......................?

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