Physics 10 Chapter 16 - Basic Electronics - 4

Physics Class 10
1.    Due to which force, electrons are repelled by the negative charges?

Physics Class 10
2.    What is ‘q’ in the formula; “F = q E”?

Physics Class 10
3.    What is ‘E’ in the formula; “F = q E”?

Physics Class 10
4.    Which of the following relation is correct about the degree of deflection of electrons from their original direction?

Physics Class 10
5.    At which angle, magnetic field is applied to the beam of electrons?

Physics Class 10
6.    By using which magnet, magnetic field is applied to the beam of electrons at right angle?

Physics Class 10
7.    What is the instrument called that is used to display the magnitudes of changing electric currents or potentials?

Physics Class 10
8.    What is displayed by the cathode-ray oscilloscope?

Physics Class 10
9.    Where the information of CRO is displayed?

Physics Class 10
10.    What is the instrument called that is used to display the magnitudes of changing electric currents or potentials?

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