Information and Communication Technology -3

Physics Class 10
1.    In which of the following, microwaves are used?

Physics Class 10
2.    In which of the following, microwaves are used?

Physics Class 10
3.    In which of the following, microwaves are used?

Physics Class 10
4.    In which of the following, infrared rays are used?

Physics Class 10
5.    How many are the parts of Computer-Based Information System?

Physics Class 10
6.    What does CBIS stand for?

Physics Class 10
7.    How many are the components of information technology?

Physics Class 10
8.    Which of the following is included in CBIS?

Physics Class 10
9.    Which of the following is included in CBIS?

Physics Class 10
10.    How many are the parts of CBIS?

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