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Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 10

Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 10

Everyday Science MCQs
1.    The diameter of the earth through the poles is?

Everyday Science MCQs
2.    Thus the earth is how much wider than it is tall?

Everyday Science MCQs
3.    Invertebrates are animals that?

Everyday Science MCQs
4.    Whcih one of the following book was written by ibn-al-haisham?

Everyday Science MCQs
5.    Which of the following energy in converted into electric in a generator?

Everyday Science MCQs
6.    Diamond is the refined form of?

Everyday Science MCQs
7.    Dry ice is?

Everyday Science MCQs
8.    Telephone was invented by?

Everyday Science MCQs
9.    Name the instrument used to measure electric current?

Everyday Science MCQs
10.    Total number of bones in human face are?

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