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Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 14

Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 14

Everyday Science MCQs
1.    The Continent Antarctica lies at the?

Everyday Science MCQs
2.    The temperature of the dead body is?

Everyday Science MCQs
3.    Lactometer is a type of Hydrometer which is used to measure the specific gravity of?

Everyday Science MCQs
4.    The deepest place on earth is?

Everyday Science MCQs
5.    Twinkling of stars is caused by?

Everyday Science MCQs
6.    A body can escape the gravitational pull of the earth if it is thrown up with a velocity of?

Everyday Science MCQs
7.    Night vision is possible with the help of?

Everyday Science MCQs
8.    Myopia is a defect of human eye. it can be corrected by using a lens called?

Everyday Science MCQs
9.    The instrument which i specially design for recording earth quake wave is called seismograph which measure earth quake waves on a?

Everyday Science MCQs
10.    Evolution can be described as?

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