Why First Time I Was Un-Successful at ISSB?

Although, I was shocked but in the heart of my heart I knew I could not display and show my qualities to selectowhich I should have. I was dejected but I gathered my strengths, recovered from the shock and started planning for the next attempt. Now I had seen the path on which I had to walk. First of all I sorted out the reasons of my rejection and the reasons became evident, enlisted as follows:-

  • 1. Almost I had no knowledge of the path on which I had to walk.
  • 2. I had no knowledge, what I had to do at each stage and event.
  • 3. I never knew what they are looking for in me and what I had to show to them.
  • 4. I never knew the technique, how should I tell them that I am a hard working, dedicated, honest, brave, truthful, cooperative and physically fit person.
  • "When I went next time I was able to Impress Them How? Read on...